Technical Assistance Centers
Technical assistance (TA) centers provide a range of services that support the provision and coordination of transportation services and promote the mobility of Americans. You can find out more about Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Administration of Community Living (ACL) technical assistance centers below.
Housing and Services Resource Center
The Housing and Services Resource Center was created for people who work in the organizations and systems that provide housing resources and homelessness services, behavioral and mental health services, independent living services and other supportive services, and others who are working to help people live successfully and stably in the community.
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC)
NADTC’s mission is to promote the availability and accessibility of transportation options for older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers.
Contacts: Carrie Diamond and Virginia Dize,
National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM)
NCMM’s mission is to promote customer-centered mobility strategies that advance good health, economic vitality, self-sufficiency, and community.
Contact: Amy Conrick,
National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT)
N-CATT’s mission is to translate emerging transportation technologies for states and localities across the United States.
Contact: Andrew Carpenter,
Shared-Use Mobility Center (SUMC)
SUMC’s mission is to achieve equitable, affordable, and environmentally sound mobility across the US through the efficient sharing of transportation assets.
Contact: Albert Benedict,
National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP)
National RTAP’s mission is to address the training and technical assistance needs of rural and tribal transit operators across the nation, and support state RTAP programs.
Contact: Robin Phillips,
ADA Participation Action Research Consortium (PARC)
ADA PARC publishes maps that assist policy makers, community leaders, transportation developers and state leaders in understanding transportation needs and opportunities for improvement.
AT3 Center is a one-stop connection to information about assistive technology (AT). Every state has an AT program. The state AT program demonstrates AT, provides training on AT, and makes short term loans of AT so people can try the AT prior to making a purchase. There is AT available to assist people with transportation. The AT3 site lists every state AT program.
Paralysis Resource Center (PRC)
PRC provides information for traveling with your wheelchair and makes grants to communities to increase access to transportation and technology.
International Transportation Learning Center (ITLC)
International Transportation Learning Center is the only national organization that focuses on the frontline workforce in public transportation and transportation in general. It is the only organization funded by the Federal Transit Administration, the US Department of Labor, and the Transit Cooperative Research Program to develop and support technical training partnerships for today’s and tomorrow’s front-line work force.
Transit Workforce Center (TWC)
The Transit Workforce Center (TWC) supports the workforce development needs of urban, suburban, tribal, and rural public transportation entities, with an overarching mission to assist the industry as it recruits, hires, trains, and retains the diverse workforce needed now and in the future.
Contact: Jack Clark,