Sustaining Inclusion: How Past Inclusive Planning Projects Kept Inclusion Going

Date Published: August 31, 2020

The Transit Planning 4 All project has released a study on how project-funded initiatives have sustained inclusive planning practices following the end of grant funding. While prior research found that inclusive practices increased and transit problems and solutions were identified during the grant itself, it was not clear whether grantees continued inclusive planning practices after the Transit Planning 4 All grant funding ended.

The research summarized in the report shows that project grantees did sustain inclusive planning practices after the grant ceased with most of the projects reporting that they expanded advisory committees, involved participants in operation and other inclusive practices. The full report can be downloaded below, as well as an infographic sharing key takeaways of the report.

Download the “Sustaining Inclusion Report” here


Infographic explaining ket findings of TP4A's Sustaining Inclusion report