Category:People With Disabilities

America Walks – Inclusive Planning in Tribal Communities: Engaging People with Disabilities in Designing Safe and Accessible Transportation Systems

America Walks – Inclusive Planning in Tribal Communities: Engaging People with Disabilities in Designing Safe and Accessible Transportation Systems


America Walks, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit national organization works to advance safe, equitable, accessible, and enjoyable places to walk and move by giving people and communities the resources to effectively advocate for change. On Wednesday, December 9th, America Walks …

Greater Portland Council of Governments (Portland, Maine) – 2018-2020 Planning Grantee

Greater Portland Council of Governments (Portland, Maine) – 2018-2020 Planning Grantee

The Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG) – the lead planning organization for Greater Portland Maine – formed an inclusive committee that created a regionally implemented Inclusive Transportation Planning Toolkit for the Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System (PACTS). Additionally, a …

Brief # 2: Strategies For Promoting Civic Engagement In Inclusive Transportation Planning: Community Mapping

Brief # 2: Strategies For Promoting Civic Engagement In Inclusive Transportation Planning: Community Mapping

The “Strategies for Promoting Civic Engagement in Inclusive Transportation Planning” series presents key tips for enhancing inclusion through civic engagement strategies.

This brief explores community mapping, a tool for identifying various assets and resources within a specific geographical area through …